Rescheduling Process
We are a soccer club. As such, our goal is to accommodate our soccer players. We cannot accomodate schedules for football, baseball, or other sports. Please do not ask us to do so, as rescheduling is a process that should be used only as an absolute LAST RESORT in order to complete a team's schedule.
Keep in mind that rescheduling involves finding dates, times, referees, and fields in order to make the game possible.
Weather related cancellations and/or delays will be relayed to the coaches on game day, after an inspection of the fields. Games cancelled due to weather related events will be rescheduled at the discretion of the game scheduler. Generally, this helps the coaches get together and come up with a time that works for both teams to make up the game. For "normally cancelled games, this is is NOT the first choice, but, if necessary, this action will be taken!
For cold weather days, the forecast temperature or wind chill will be the determining factor as to whether or not games will be played. For this, if the temperature or wind chill is forecast:
to be below 42 degree (F), the HOME coaches will have the opportunity to cancel the game.
to be below 32 degrees (F), all games at Catoosa will be cancelled.
When rain may be an issue, fields will be evaluated and home coaches notified between 8:15am and 8:30am Saturday morning. Please DO NOT call until AFTER 8:30am! Games on days other than Saturday will be considered on an individual basis. Please note that rain alone will not determine if a game is played!
Other than weather-related cancellations, any rescheduling requests made after Wednesday 8pm immediately before the original game time will result in the requesting team being responsible for the referee fees for the game. These fees will be collected BEFORE the rescheduled game begins.
Depending on the time of year, rescheduled games may have to be played on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon in order to ensure that there is enough daylight to safely complete the game.
Thank you for understanding.
The HOME coach is responsible for contacting his/her club's scheduler in order to reschedule a game.
Not all game requests can be accommodated due to various factors, such as referee and field availability.
Away games:
Contact opposing coach about rescheduling to agree on new date/time. Then, the home coach must contact his/her game scheduler by his/her club's deadline to request the reschedule.
Home games:
Contact the opposing coach about rescheduling to agree on possible make-up date(s) and time(s).
Then Catoosa home coach must contact the CSA game scheduler via email (catoosasoccer@gmail.com) by the Wednesday prior to the originally scheduled game time to request the reschedule. He/she should have at least 2 options for the make-up games. BE SURE TO NOTE 'RESCHEDULE REQUEST' IN THE SUBJECT LINE.
Games are expected to be rescheduled within 7 days of the initial cancellation!
If the CSA deadline is missed, the cancelling team will be responsible
for paying the Catoosa referees at reschedule BEFORE the game can begin!