
Thank you for becoming a referee and choosing to work with Castoosa Soccer Association.
At CSA, we use ArbiterSports.com to assign games. Arbiter is an online referee game assignment tool. If you do not already have an account with Arbiter, please let the assignor (catoosa.assignor@gmail.com) know so that he can request that you be added to the Arbiter database. DO NOT create an account first! You will receive a welcome email from OSA when you have been added to the database. (Please note that the email will be sent to the unique address that each referee provided for a class registration.)
Once you have received this email and created your free account, contact CSA's referee assignor so that he can get you added to the CSA group. Once added, you will receive an invitation to join the group. After accepting that invitation, you can be begin receiving game assignments. The whole process takes about 2 days, as there are manual steps that must be completed.
We want our referees to be the best in the area. As such, we provide several incentives to help our referees maintain the highest standards possible. These incentives include:
Reimbursement for the beginner's class after 10 games with the club
A pay scale higher than many surrounding clubs
Flexible scheduling and assigning
Referees are not the employees of ANY club or league. They are, however, under the jurisdiction of the State Referee Committee and USSF. Also, referees are contract employees and may work when and where they prefer. Just keep in mind that assignors will first give games to the referees they work with most, then give the rest of the games to whomever they can find.
We are always in need of new referees at our club. Fortunately, our referees usually do not leave because of a bad experience. Usually, they leave because they go off to college or business takes them away. Due to this attrition, we need people willing to take up the mantle. As such, if you would like to become a referee, please go to http://www.oksoccer.com/classes and sign up for a class.
If there any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Area Referee at catoosa.assignor@gmail.com.